
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities Blog

Titelbild TransHumanities 2020

Pia Härter

Pia HärterBorn in Karlsruhe, Germany, on 2nd May, 1985; educated at the Thomas-Mann Gymnasium in Blankenloch-Stutensee, Germany with excellence in 2004 and graduated in English and Latin from the Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg in 2012. During my studies, I worked as an assistant for PD Dr. Melanie Möller at the Seminar für Klassische Philologie from 2007 to 2009. Afterwards, I studied at the department of English and Drama, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, Great Britain from September 2009 to January 2010. During my studies I always focused on the interdisciplinary approach between my two disciplines and therefore in my entrance paper for the first state examination at the University of Heidelberg I analysed the epic structure and the use of irony in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida in regard to Homer’s Iliad. My PhD thesis “Explanatory model for cultural dynamics and its phenomena: The Fool and its metamorphosis in the context of cultural dynamics” was accepted at the University of Heidelberg in spring 2013. Additionally, I became a member of the HGGS, the Heidelberger Graduiertenschule der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, in August, 2013. In my research, I focus on formulating a concept for the dynamic relationship between nature and culture based on the utilitarian principle of cultural production and transfer in combination with the neuroscientific findings in the field of aestheticism. To exemplify and concretise the productive succession in culture, the analysis will take a diachronic perspective on the fool figure and its “origin and biography”.


Universität Bern | Phil.-hist. Fakultät | Walter Benjamin Kolleg | Graduate School of the Humanities | Muesmattstrasse 45 | CH-3012 Bern | Tel. +41 (0)31 631 54 74
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