
Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities Blog

Titelbild TransHumanities 2020

Daniela Dora

Daniela Dora studied German and English literature and linguistics as well as German as a foreign language at Regensburg University in Germany and finished her studies with a MA (Magister). She developed a strong interest in other countries and cultures early in her academic career and focused on related subjects such as trans-cultural and trans-national writings, multicultural literature and postcolonial studies.

She currently works as a teaching assistant at Gent University in Belgium. Her doctoral research closely examines the nature of cross-cultural encounters on selected German novels (Topic: Getting to Know the Other. Knowledge Accumulation and Constructions of Whiteness in Cultural Encounters: Günter Grass’ Show your Tongue (Zunge zeigen, 1988) and Ilja Trojanow’s The Collector of Worlds (Der Weltensammler, 2006)).

Daniela Dora is a participant of the Winter School 2012.

Universität Bern | Phil.-hist. Fakultät | Walter Benjamin Kolleg | Graduate School of the Humanities | Muesmattstrasse 45 | CH-3012 Bern | Tel. +41 (0)31 631 54 74
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