A shot from the pulpit – watch guest lecturer Rosi Braidotti from Utrecht University answering the question why matter matters
Tagesarchiv für den 28. February 2013
Haunted by specters – watch guest lecturer Stefan Herbrechter from Coventry University explaining why he distrusts matter
Early modern time foldings – guest lecturer Michael Kempe, Director of the Leibniz Research Center and the Leibniz-Archive in Hannover, explains why Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’ alternative conceptualizations of time are still inspiring today
Time and the other – guest lecturer Antje Flüchter from the University of Heidelberg talks about modern Western chronocentrism and why India was thought to be non-contemporary to the contemporary Western norm
Whom the bell tolls – listen to what postdoctoral scholar Michelle Bastian from the University of Edinburgh says about clocks
Mapping Rice - watch Elaine Gan from the University of California at Santa Cruz talking about multispecies temporalities
Living on the edge of time – PhD candidate Anna McFarlane of the University of St. Andrews suggests a utopian novel
Between the immanent and transcendent – Florian Zemmin, PhD candidate from the University of Bern, tells you whether we live in secular or post-secular times